Elixir Light Qi Gong
Classes, Workshops and Personal Training
In my classes and workshops I teach the Empowerments as
well as Happiness Qi Gong practices as taught by Master
Robert Peng. They are easy to follow and can be done at any
Awaken the 4 Golden Wheels
There are three centers that hold vast amounts of Qi energy deep
inside your body. These three Energy
Centers regulate your capacity for
wisdom, love, and vitality. The
relative strength of these qualities
determines your energy type.
If you can tap wisdom more easily
than love, for example, you may be
brilliant but emotionally blocked and
unable to open your heart and
connect with others deeply. Or if you
express love more easily than
wisdom you may have a noble heart
full of good intentions but timing
your actions wisely becomes an
In most of us, one of these centers
tends to be stronger than the other
two and one center tends to be weaker than the other two. This
energetic imbalance manifest as an imbalance in daily life since Qi
and life reflect each other.
In this workshop we explore the nature of Qi energy and the
theory behind these Energy Centers. Then we shift from theory to
practice by awakening, activating, and harmonizing our internal
energy using two special empowerment practices known as
Hologram Palm Empowerment and the Breathing Empowerment.
Finally, you learn a simple movement set known as 4 Golden
Wheels Exercise to deepen the connection between your internal
energies and the energies of Heaven and Earth.
Practices taught:
The Theory of the 4 Golden Wheels
Hologram Palm Empowerment
Breathing Empowerment
Awakening Awareness
Nourishing Qi
4 Golden Wheels Exercise
Happiness Qi Gong
The secret of happiness
You are feeling downbeat and lethargic.
The world feels bleak and gray. You turn
on your favorite music. Suddenly your
spirit lifts and your heart opens. The
skies brighten and the world fills with joy.
A few moments ago your feet were made
of lead but now they want to dance. You
are happy.
The cultivation of unconditional
happiness is the cherished goal of Qi
Gong. Unconditional happiness is
happiness without a cause. Imagine
tapping a wellspring of inner joy that fills
your body with radiant vitality and puts a
perpetual smile on your face. This kind of
childlike happiness is the cherished goal
of Qi Gong.
In this workshop you will discover the Qi Gong secret of
happiness and learn three exercises designed to bring you closer
to goal of of feeling happy for no good reason.
Practices taught:
Three Treasures Standing Meditation
Lotus Meditation
Connecting Universe
For further information regarding Qi Gong workshops, classes and
personal Qi Gong training, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Qi Gong is not one of the conventional
medical/scientifically recognized methods.
In individual cases, it cannot replace a professional
medical or psychological treatment or a visit to a doctor
or to the next outpatient clinic but it can be used as a
supplement and accompanying a conventional medical
Naturheilpraxis Evelyne Rehfuss