Acupuncture I have successfully completed my second year in the study of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Xian Tian College in England. During my third year, I will begin working with a limited number of cases covering a variety of health conditions. Each case will be supervised by my instructors to ensure accurate diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Acupuncture is a medically recognized practice. However, please confirm with your health insurance provider whether they cover treatment. While acupuncture cannot replace visits to a doctor or psychologist in every case, it can serve as a valuable complementary and supportive approach.
Naturheilpraxis Evelyne Rehfuss
Acupuncture I have successfully completed my second year in the study of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Xian Tian College in England. During my third year, I will begin working with a limited number of cases covering a variety of health conditions. Each case will be supervised by my instructors to ensure accurate diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Acupuncture is a medically recognized practice. However, please confirm with your health insurance provider whether they cover treatment. While acupuncture cannot replace visits to a doctor or psychologist in every case, it can serve as a valuable complementary and supportive approach.
Naturheilpraxis Evelyne Rehfuss